The International Association for Teachers of Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages
Dear TCSOL graduates & representatives,
I trust that you had a happy and peaceful Christmas, and my prayer is that the New Year finds you in good spirits and with hope in your hearts.
Looking back to 2008, it has brought us many challenges. TCSOL development in China has never been easy. There were times when we were put on trial with unexpected situations. However, we managed to overcome hardships with strong determination. We will strive to maintain to be competitive by staying firm in our position and concentrate on bringing more quality programs.
The present development of TCSOL is considered an unprecedented in our history. With more than 5200 graduates worldwide, we are facing greater demand of further recognition of our certification. In line with this, we have passed a resolution to seek recognition from the renowned International Accreditation & Recognition Council (IARC). We intend to make this possible by mid June and I am sure all graduates will be well informed by then.
I concluded the year 2008 a fruitful one and would like to express my gratitude to all who have been supporting us. I must also thank Taipei, Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou centers for their active contribution and high spirit.
For IHI (International Han Institute) representatives overseas, I would love to hear from you very much. Please write in and tell us about your exciting stories and latest development in the world of Chinese Language Teaching.
With this, I end my message here with my warmest greeting to all – Happy Chinese New Year!
Best regards,
Mr. Vincent C.S. Yang
Email: president@tcsol.us.com