許多學員們都想到澳洲工作或發展,卻總是不知道該從何處著手? 也不知道該怎麼在海外找到合適的教學機會!
為了解決這些問題,本中心特地邀請到一位專業顧問,精通八國語言,澳洲籍的Mr. Wayne Parry,為大家講演:『如何在海外找工作、生存及發展』他曾經協助許多人在海外找到生活的方向;也協助過很多人調適生活在海外的情緒與心情。
- How to deal with the culture shock of moving to a new country
- Why it's important to know a local person when you first arrive
- How I can help with accommodation, finding work and making friends
- Arranging meetings with local people
- Assistance with job interviews, resume' building and understanding work rights (tax, wages, insurance etc)
- Linking people with potential employers
- A few tips about how to fit in when living abroad
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